Thursday, December 29, 2005
I really like quite days at work. I took a mandatory compliance test at work which dealt with inappropriate internet use. While I was taking it, I was listening to Dane Cook on the headphones, certainly not work appropriate.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I've been doing quite a bit of research in 529 plans. These state sponsored plans allow one to invest and receive tax-free investment income for the purpose of education. I had four options to choose from to begin saving. The first was a no fee savings, but this is taxable. The next was Minnesota's plan since they match, but only if your income is less than a certain amount. I looked at an employee sponsored plan, but the fees were no better than going at it alone. The last is investing through uPromise. They offer a choice between four state plans, and allow you to earn additional money by using a registered credit card or shopping with one of their online partners. If you're comfortable shopping online, they seem to have quite the spread of opportunities to get free money. The expense ratio is in par with others. There is an annual fee, but that should easily be taken care of with the earnings.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I've been doing a lot of database design to revamp the web-based flash card program. I have it all laid out on paper. Now to code, test, debug, and implement. I should get cracking on this since the next study season is quickly approaching. In fact, some students are already studying.
I do have a good feeling about this next sitting. Not only have I seen the material before, but this exam is perfectly suited for studying via note cards. Also, Knapper is taking the same exam, and last time we studied together, we both passed.
I do have a good feeling about this next sitting. Not only have I seen the material before, but this exam is perfectly suited for studying via note cards. Also, Knapper is taking the same exam, and last time we studied together, we both passed.
Monday, December 26, 2005
If you recall, I was studying for an actuarial exam a few months ago. I also created a web-based flashcard program to assist in memorizing the infinite detail. Well, I got the official results, and I failed. It's very disappointing and means I have to do it all over again. I guess on the bright side, I have more ideas on how to clean up the program and allow others access to it. Hopefully I'll be able to sell it to Google for $1.2M and quit the exam process.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas trip 1 is over. We set up a technology table with everyone's new gifts. We had a PSP, PocketPC, and a laptop.
I also learned that the new 2.5 PSP firmware has a lot of the hacked features built in, such as better media management, integrated internet browser, more supported files, and better interconnectivity between other devices. It looks like Sony listened and responded. I was going to upgrade, but then it won't run "backed up" games. Hmm. What to do?
I also learned that the new 2.5 PSP firmware has a lot of the hacked features built in, such as better media management, integrated internet browser, more supported files, and better interconnectivity between other devices. It looks like Sony listened and responded. I was going to upgrade, but then it won't run "backed up" games. Hmm. What to do?
Friday, December 23, 2005
So, I got a PSP for Christmas. I was not expecting that at all. I have never really followed the forums around the PSP regarding features and hacks, so now I have another realm of information to dive into. I do know that you need a firmware prior to 2.0 to do a lot of the hacking. Looking at the UPC, it looks like I have version 1.52. Perfect.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I've been able to play Call of Duty 2: Big Red One. I'm only playing it on the Xbox, so the graphics aren't in HD as they are on the Xbox 360, but they're still good. I'd say it's not the greatest war game I've ever played, but it's still quite entertaining. My strategies flip between running into the middle of the courtyard with a machine gun and shoot until I run out of ammo, and setting up in a bell tower with a sniper rifle and pick off the Nazi's. I can say that with the proper team, I die less being the coward. I really need to get the surround sound set up.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
A lot of people are taking the rest of the year off starting today, so they gave me all of their projects to babysit in case of emergency. As it is usually the case, I got 3 calls regarding some of these projects, and they all need answers immediately. At least the day went by quick.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Back at work after an extended vacation. Surprisingly, only 150 emails and 4 voice mails. Now, to remember how to do my job...
Friday, December 9, 2005
I'm getting ready to take a short vacation up at a resort on Gull Lake. Since I don't do many winter activities, we'll see what happens. At any rate, it'll be good to get away from the house projects for a while.
I doubt I'll have access to the internet, so I may be postless until next week.
I doubt I'll have access to the internet, so I may be postless until next week.
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
I did everything in my power to get through all my work today so I could take tomorrow off. Actually, I won't be back into work until the 19th. I probably got more accomplished in the last few hours of the workday than I do in a month. I guess with the right motivation, the impossible can happen.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
I drove by the lake today and there were people ice fishing. They were probably 25 feet from the open water. I guess the amazing thing was not that they were near open water, but that they were outside when the windchill was -20°.
Monday, December 5, 2005
These weekends are sure going by fast. I can't even remember what I did. I have a lot of vacation to use by the end of the year. With the new job, December is now my busiest time, so we'll see if I'll get it all in. Bossman seems flexible enough to allow me to carry over some days, under the table.
Friday, December 2, 2005
I went to Pea's work holiday party. The food was horrible, which is hard for me to say since it was a steak. The drinks were good. Afterward, we went to a Christmas singing quartet, which was entertaining for the zero dollars I had to pay. The last song was a Gospel/Christmas song and everyone in the audience was standing and singing and clapping. It reminded me of the scene in The Blues Brothers where Jake and Elwood are at the Triple Rock Church listening to Reverend Cleophis James; both are standing in the back with their arms crossed while everyone around them is dancing, doing flips, and waving their arms. Naturally, I re-enacted the scene.
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Arg, work is very busy. I've been in the new position for a little while, so I'm still learning the ropes. Plus, January 1 is the biggest renewal date, which makes it even busier. It looks like I won't be able to take tomorrow off. Soon enough.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I got a chance to test out the new tires on the Maxima. The stickers were still on them, so I had to go burn them off. It is amazing how a little maintenance and care to a car will make it run a lot better. I try to tell people the same is true for a computer. If you just spend a little time with it every once in a while, you can keep it for a long time.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
We have a multitude of software at work, all built over the past 30 years. Naturally, each one has been piecemealed, don't interact, written in multiple languages, difficult to navigate, ugly, not enough flexibility, .... I could go on. I'm trying to convince the bigwigs to give me $1,000,000 and a year to go the beach with a laptop and write an entirely new, comprehensive system. So far, no go. But I'll keep working him.
Monday, November 28, 2005
I got out of hanging the outside Christmas lights on the house. It's raining now. We're also supposed to get a few inches of snow this week, which hasn't stopped me from rolling around on the roof before. I have Friday off to do some serious gaming, but I'm sure I'll end up forced into the Christmas spirit.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
While the women were baking cookies, I figured the boys would be able to play some Xbox. Unfortunately, the damn Vikings were playing, so no game playing was had, which is odd since it was 2 to 1 in favor of gaming. But I guess the 1 owned the TV.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I only had a little time to play some games. I spent most of it on Psychonauts. Now I didn't have much time with it, but I can't believe all the major gaming sites gave it above 9.0. I will have to spend some time with it. I noticed one review said the game wasn't really challenging, just entertaining.
Friday, November 25, 2005
After trying many CD-R's, CD-RW's, and burning software, I found the combination that would work with my computer and Xbox. In the end, if finally works. What started this whole mess is that I set XBMC to be the default dashboard. When I was updating the version, I forgot a ">" in the settings XML file. Because of this, the Xbox would only boot to the original Xbox dash and I couldn't FTP into it. So after booting from an EvolutionX iso, I was able to FTP into Mobil and add the ">".
Now that Mobil's up and running, I really have to reinstall linux on the server. Currently, the server is out of commission due to a failed Debian install. I think I'll continue to use Mandrake until I get a bit more comfortable.
Now that Mobil's up and running, I really have to reinstall linux on the server. Currently, the server is out of commission due to a failed Debian install. I think I'll continue to use Mandrake until I get a bit more comfortable.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
A four day weekend. If my Xbox worked, I'd say that I'd spend it all playing games and watching movies.
I really need to get it working.
I really need to get it working.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I can't believe how fast work got busy. It's good that I don't have a second to spare; it makes the day go by incredibly fast.
Monday, November 21, 2005
I actually had time tonight to get stuff done. When this happens, I try to get a house project done and a computer project done. The house project was to replace all the smoke alarms with smoke/CO sensors. They look ugly, but hopefully I won't die.
The computer project was to set up drive sharing with Karl over the internet. We tried the using NetBEUI protocol. I don't know if we didn't configure something correctly or what, but we gained nothing from our hour of work. Personally, I blame it on Karl's home network.
The computer project was to set up drive sharing with Karl over the internet. We tried the using NetBEUI protocol. I don't know if we didn't configure something correctly or what, but we gained nothing from our hour of work. Personally, I blame it on Karl's home network.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
It's amazing how easy it is to not get much accomplished. It took me probably a good 3 hours to install a light switch. Granted, it's not your ordinary light switch, but still. It's a three-way dimmer with a main computer terminal controlled by a remote wall dimmer. Not like TV remote control, but a second switch. The remote switch or the main terminal controls the computer, which then in turn controls the light. Because this isn't a three-way but a direct connect, I had to remove the two original switches and the light to do a little rewiring. Ahh, just like to old days. I'm very pleased with the end result, just not the time it took.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Well, what do you know? I finally was able to watch a movie tonight ... straight through with no interruptions, and on the big screen. The movie was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I thought it was pretty good. Even though it was a remake, you'd still expect it to be somehow different from the original, but it was pretty much exactly the same as the first. A Burton/Depp movie is like a good White Zombie album, you know what to expect, but you'd listen to it again and again.
Friday, November 18, 2005
I finally got my radio working in my car. Unfortunately, the faceplate is barely balancing in place, since all the little clips and springs are missing, and I can't detach it, and I can't play CD's because the faceplate would have to tilt down to insert the disc. However, it is really nice to have something to listen to again. I'm thinking of getting rid of the Alpine and putting the Pioneer in. If I had the time, this would be a perfect opportunity to continue the carputer. I have all the guts, but just need to build the power supply and get a monitor. Once I finish a project, I'll certainly put some pics up.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I thought that after my exam, I would have time to watch movies, play video games, work on the family website, and get some house chores done. But it turns out that I'm surprised that I had even the time to study. I've been thinking of all the projects that I need to do, and I think the first should be to get the server running ... well, after I get the Xbox functioning again. I theoretically have a boot disc that should allow me to FTP into the Xbox and fix the massive problems that I created. That should happen tomorrow ... or else.
Monday, November 14, 2005
I found out that if you have a little absinthe before bed, you sleep very soundly.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
I went to Karl's with expectations of doing grand projects. One was to stay up all night. Somehow it didn't happen. Probably because we never pace ourselves...
Friday, November 11, 2005
So Digg has been in the news, and probably will for some time. But I found out that Kevin Rose is behind it. I think his internet episodes were cool, and have to check out one of his new creations.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
We indeed played Ms. Pac Man at the bosses house. It turned out there were no prizes for the second highest score. I guess it still felt good to get a score of over five times the next highest score. Well, maybe not good since we're dealing with Ms. Pac Man and a bunch of co-workers that don't play video games.
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
I'll be going to Hartford tomorrow, so the posting might not happen for a while, not like it's interesting lately. We're going to the big boss' house again, so there will probably be some Ms. Pac Man action. In fact, the boss said there was a prize for the second highest score after me. Hey, just cause I have dexterous phalanges I shouldn't be penalized.
Sunday, November 6, 2005
Sorry for the missed posts, but it was the first weekend after exams. I tried some Green Fairy over the weekend. I'm going to have to document my findings at a later date, but right now, I've gotta get some sleep.
Thursday, November 3, 2005
The exam's over. The exam was from 9:30 to 1:30 and I always get a Snickers in case I get hungry. But I am always too focused to remember that I'm hungry. So when time ends, I get really hungry and eat the Snickers too fast. The caffeine and the release of months of studying got to me and I felt sick. Of course, nothing several beers couldn't handle.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
This is the point where I start thinking of what's going to happen after the exam. But I have to stay on target. Not too much longer.
Monday, October 31, 2005
With the daylight savings time change, I get to see what daylight looks like. Of course it's morning light, but I'm not complaining. Actually, I am. Only a few more days of studying until I can leave work while it's still light.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Tomorrow's the last day to enter codes to win an Xbox 360. I have a few more, but the servers are pretty swamped. Plus my calculated chances of winning are 0.06%. Maybe next time.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
I spent my last Saturday before the exam studying. It was a good nine hours. I'm still having issues with my study program. I guess if it's not working on Monday, I'll have to download the database into Microsoft Access and build a quick form to replicate the web program. With only a few days left, I can't afford to not hammer useless facts into my brain.
Friday, October 28, 2005
I still haven't got my radio to work in my car. The head unit is pretty banged up and the faceplate won't snap on without some force. So, I'm back to thinking while I drive.
I noticed that there is an empty warehouse on my way to work. Driving behind it revealed an open window on the second story. Do you know how many times in my life a grappling hook would have been useful? Back in school, we actually set out to make one, but got side tracked when the TV turned on.
I noticed that there is an empty warehouse on my way to work. Driving behind it revealed an open window on the second story. Do you know how many times in my life a grappling hook would have been useful? Back in school, we actually set out to make one, but got side tracked when the TV turned on.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I had more issues with my study program today. I should say that I had more issues with my company's firewalls. I couldn't access the server that my study program is located on from any computer within the company. This happened last week as well. And when I tried again in the afternoon, it worked. I didn't bother with the help desk, but if it happens again, I might need to. My thoughts are that maybe the company's firewall has a threshold of number of requests to a server per hour, to prevent DOS attacks. But I'd say I only request about 15 times an hour, which shouldn't be a problem.
Anyway, it's kind of frustrating to not know when it won't work, especially since there's less than a week until the exam. And especially if I'm going to allow other students within the company to use this, I'll need to have this problem worked out.
Anyway, it's kind of frustrating to not know when it won't work, especially since there's less than a week until the exam. And especially if I'm going to allow other students within the company to use this, I'll need to have this problem worked out.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
What do a blimp, two dead homeless people, and a cockroach all have in common?
Things you see while studying during the night.
Things you see while studying during the night.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
My mind is like Jenga - one minor disturbance and it will crumble.
Or is it like a full trashcan - adding anymore will cause it to overflow.
Or is it like a bomb - can't take it anymore.
Or is it like a full trashcan - adding anymore will cause it to overflow.
Or is it like a bomb - can't take it anymore.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Work gets in the way of studying, and studying gets in the way of play.
I also upgraded the Divx Bundle. There were a few DVD's that the prior version couldn't convert. These were mainly newer DVD's with just enough quirks to make Divx crash. Rumor has it that the new version will handle these now. Does this mean I can finally watch Constantine?
I also upgraded the Divx Bundle. There were a few DVD's that the prior version couldn't convert. These were mainly newer DVD's with just enough quirks to make Divx crash. Rumor has it that the new version will handle these now. Does this mean I can finally watch Constantine?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I entered in more codes to win an Xbox 360. I realized there is only a week left in the game. I may have to come to grips with possibly not winning one. It's probably for the best, since I now own 3 Xbox's that don't work, although not all entirely my fault.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I stumbled upon a good study break site today while studying. You can check it out over in the sidebar.
Friday, October 21, 2005
I came across this during a study break and chuckled aloud.
I had a free moment so I figured I'd update XBMC on Mobil. Unfortunately, the Budweiser was doing the clicking and now I can't FTP into it. It just loads to the default Xbox dash. With only 30 seconds left of free time, I couldn't get it back to normal status and possibly have a useless Xbox on my hands. It might require a call to Juggler (who doesn't know someone named Juggler).
In conclusion, I finally killed the vole that was living in my garage. He was a trixey bastard, but fell into my maze like a field mouse to a hawk. What?
I had a free moment so I figured I'd update XBMC on Mobil. Unfortunately, the Budweiser was doing the clicking and now I can't FTP into it. It just loads to the default Xbox dash. With only 30 seconds left of free time, I couldn't get it back to normal status and possibly have a useless Xbox on my hands. It might require a call to Juggler (who doesn't know someone named Juggler).
In conclusion, I finally killed the vole that was living in my garage. He was a trixey bastard, but fell into my maze like a field mouse to a hawk. What?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
First thing this morning at work, I called the help desk to get my study program to work. With only two weeks left, I haven't got time to mess around. After convincing him the server was working fine, he said he'd get back to me after poking around a bit. I never heard back from him, but at some point in the day, the site was back up. Thank the gods.
I was talking to some other students and I mentioned my study program and even showed them a demo. They thought it was the coolest thing. I told them that I would probably open it up to others to use for the spring exams. They couldn't wait to use it. Who knows, this little project could be the one to whet my appetite for a career change if these exams don't work out.
I was talking to some other students and I mentioned my study program and even showed them a demo. They thought it was the coolest thing. I told them that I would probably open it up to others to use for the spring exams. They couldn't wait to use it. Who knows, this little project could be the one to whet my appetite for a career change if these exams don't work out.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I had some trouble with my online study program today. At about noon, I continually received the "server not found" error. My first thoughts were that I exceeded the bandwidth (not even close) or that I had too many simultaneous connections to the MySQL server. But after checking with my hosting provider and a machine outside the company, I guessed the problem was from within my company. I then thought that maybe the domain was flagged for "personal use" and blocked, but normally a page comes up that tells you the reason why it was blocked, which wasn't happening. Anyway, trying it at home is working, so I guess I'll have to explore more at work tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I'm getting my second wind for studying. There comes a point when you theoretically know everything on the syllabus, or at least you've seen everything at least once. It's in the brain somewhere, now to only find it. So the next couple weeks, I'll be making sure nothing falls out and crack down on some practice problems. It's kinda fun.
At least that's what I have to tell myself to make it through this.
At least that's what I have to tell myself to make it through this.
Monday, October 17, 2005
I got the faceplate to my Alpine today. I can finally start listening to music again in the car. It will sure beat thinking. I've been thinking of some more projects that need to get done. I'll have to make a list of everything I need to get done after my exam, which is only a little over two weeks away. But the list should probably wait until my brain can purge this useless exam knowledge.
I finally used up some codes to win an Xbox. By my calculations, I'll have about a 4% chance of winning.
I finally used up some codes to win an Xbox. By my calculations, I'll have about a 4% chance of winning.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I had to make up some study time today. I always wonder if studying eight hours straight is any better than five hours over the day. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to experiment. As with every other exam, there is just way too much material to cover.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
I studied for zero hours today to spend the time with friends and family at a wedding. I was on baby duty the entire day, so my thoughts didn't wander into the tech world.
Friday, October 14, 2005
I've entered too many codes to win an Xbox 360, and I still haven't won. It's rigged.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
It seems I missed a few posts. I got back from New Jersey late last night. I had intentions of posting while spending 5 days at the hotel with nowhere to go, but apparently I was too busy for it. I came to the conclusion that New Jersey is a bit like hell: you're kicking and screaming on your way and once there, you hate every second of it. You lie, cheat, and steal to get out. Then after a few eternities, you realize there is no escape and you learn to enjoy the everlasting inferno, besides, it's not really the heat that gets to you. Then, when you have finally paid your dues, your flight out gets cancelled (as if it were really scheduled). Lucifer did reward me on a first class seat back home. I guess he's not so bad afterall.
Friday, October 7, 2005
I leave tomorrow to the great Garden State. I can only hope the mafia will recruit me into a world of murder and drugs.
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Another day per usual. The only difference is I got to go home and clean up the laundry room. I'm going to have to take the sheetrock off to remove the wet, molding insulation. I guess the good news is since the walls will be exposed, I'll be able to route some additional CAT cable .
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Tonight was an adventure. A series of unfortunate events has put me into ultimate crabby mode. First a storm swept through the area, outputting around 6" of rain. Not bad in itself, but recently I kicked a red squirrel out of the garage, where he was storing his nuts. To get back at me, he put all of them in the gutters. Since the rain couldn't get through the gutters, it just ran over the eaves and collected in a pool right in front of the house. I'd guess there was about a foot of standing water, which then started leaking into the laundry room. Luckily the laundry room has only a concrete slab that is not level, so the water attempted to gather in one spot. After about 7 wet vac empties, the vac started shorting out, probably because I didn't have a filter on it and the water was sloshing around the motor. Running over to the neighbor in the downpour, I borrowed his industrial vac and that worked like a charm. Meanwhile, I tried to get rid of the dam in the gutters, but the ladder could barely hold in the mud, plus being outside in a lightning storm on a metal ladder probably isn't a good idea. Needless to say, it's past my bedtime and I'm crabby.
Sunday, October 2, 2005
I took the day off from studying. I probably shouldn't have, but you can't live life locked up in a room. Maddox came over to play with Beck. I got a few more movies from Karl. I tried a peanut butter hamburger. It was a good day.
Saturday, October 1, 2005
Wow, October 1st. I really can't wait until study season is over so I can work on my study program. That sounds a little bizarre. Now that I've been actually using it, I would like to change a few things. I have to make it more user friendly and add a few more features, especially if I want to charge people to use it. I guess it'll have to wait.
Friday, September 30, 2005
On my way home today, I realized something: I really miss having music in my car. I still need to get a faceplate for my radio, but they're going for around $80 while a used complete model sells for $120.
Since I don't have a radio, I've had to entertain myself by thinking. I noticed that I slow my speed when I see a Crown Victoria, thinking it's a cop. There was one a few cars behind me and I stayed the speed limit, until I figured out it was an 80 year old man driving. Anyway, a cheap traffic enforcement strategy the government could do is give an incentive to those buying a Crown Vic. Speeders might slow down when they see them and there would be more of them on the road. Just an idea.
Since I don't have a radio, I've had to entertain myself by thinking. I noticed that I slow my speed when I see a Crown Victoria, thinking it's a cop. There was one a few cars behind me and I stayed the speed limit, until I figured out it was an 80 year old man driving. Anyway, a cheap traffic enforcement strategy the government could do is give an incentive to those buying a Crown Vic. Speeders might slow down when they see them and there would be more of them on the road. Just an idea.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
The fall exams are arguably the worst. Things need to be done around the house, but studying needs to take priority. I leave the house when it's dark and get home when it's almost dark. Doesn't leave much time to do any outside work, unless I put a floodlight on the front of the lawn mower.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I was in a meeting from 8:00 to 4:00, which leaves not a lot of time to do much else at work. And I have two broken Xbox's waiting to be fixed at home, which I won't be getting to anytime soon. Something's got to give.
Monday, September 26, 2005
I got stung by a fricken bee today at lunch, right on the thumb. It swelled up pretty good, but I still had to work. I guess it's a good way to find out I'm not allergic to bee stings.
Happy Birthday Pea.
Happy Birthday Pea.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Although not a movie, I watched quite a few episodes of Sopranos tonight. I'm on the beginning of season four. Which TV series will be next?
Friday, September 23, 2005
I got a whole bunch of electronics tonight for the mere price of $20. This dude bought out a pawn shop and tried to sell the stuff himself. Well, after a year, he was moving in with his girlfriend and needed to get rid of it. So I took 4 boomboxes, a complete component system, stand alone CD changer, equalizer, 3 speakers, 3 satellite receivers, and a satellite dish. Whatever I don't use, I can probably sell for $20 and be even.
What can I say? I like old electronics.
What can I say? I like old electronics.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
I went to a Wild game tonight. Normally when I go, I sit about 10 rows up from the glass on the corner of the rink. These are really cool seats being close to the action. Tonight, the tickets were 2nd row on the upper deck right on the end. It was actually very cool; more like a tennis perspective. Also, being up so high and with the new rules, you could really see the plays being set up. As an extra bonus, we got $20 in certificates ... just enough for a few brews and a fist full of nachos.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I didn't do much out of the ordinary. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I get home after work, it's over 12 hours, only to get longer.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I went to a happy hour for my former boss. He's leaving the company, which apparently calls for a celebration. He's really fun to hang out with, but there were a few other suits around, so he had to temper his antics. I guess that's good, because I won't be waking up with a headache tomorrow.
Monday, September 19, 2005
I've been collecting caps for the every10minutes sweepstakes. Pepsi products have a code that can be used for a chance at winning an Xbox 360. You can enter one code for each drawing, or save your codes and put them all in a single drawing. At first glance, it seems you'd have a better chance of winning by putting all of your chances into one drawing. For example, if you have two codes and there were 500 entries per drawing, the probability of winning would be 2/500 instead of 2/1000. But the hidden assumption here is that everybody is probably saving them. So if you have 5 codes today in a 500 code drawing, your chance of winning is 1%. And if you save your codes until you have 50 along with everyone else, there will be a total of 5000 codes in each drawing, giving you 1% again. So it boils down to if you think you can outpace others in the accumulation of codes, then save them. If not, it might be wise to put as many as you can, say, every few days. For example, if your rate of increase is 50% more than the average increase, while everyone increases their 5 codes to 50, you'd have 75 codes, giving you a 1.5% chance of winning. But if you can only increase at 75% of the average increase, then you'd have a 0.75% chance of winning.
Just give me an Xbox 360.
Just give me an Xbox 360.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Down in the movie room, my AV receiver only has two component inputs. The HD DirecTiVo and the progressive scan DVD player were using these. I replaced the DVD player with Mobil (the Xbox) to utilize any HD content from Mobil. Well, I went to watch an episode of Sopranos, and naturally Mobil couldn't play the DVD. As it turns out, XBMC uses the Microsoft DVD playback software, which requires the DVD dongle. However, I learned today that the 2005-09-12 CVS build of XBMC has now an integrated DVD player, with menu support. It looks like an upgrade is needed.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
I'm still experiencing delays on the home phone through Vonage. It seems there is a lag between talkers. At first I thought it was only happening when I received a call from a cell phone, but it's happening during other types of calls as well. My new theory is it happens during peak internet times. The internet traffic obviously is worst during evenings and weekends. More testing is needed.
Friday, September 16, 2005
We moved down two rows at work today. Instead of boxing and getting a cart, I just walked my stacks of papers and books down the aisle, which got me thinking. Our cubes should be completely modular. Just think, if you need to move, a forklift could swing by, hoist up your entire cube and bring you to your new spot. You wouldn't have to pack a thing. In fact, you could still be in your cube when they move you. Better yet, when you get in your cube in the morning, it is stacked on top of a big pile of cubes and when you need to leave, the conveyor belt will bring you to ground level. Imagine a big skyscraper of cube blocks that is so tight and things are going on all around you without your awareness.
Wait a second ... something seems familiar.
Wait a second ... something seems familiar.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I've been driving my car to work almost every day for a while, and because the thieves smashed my climate control, I've been getting hot air spewing on me and can't turn it off. Not only do I have hot are blowing on me, but I'm in my work clothes and it's been somewhat hot outside. Luckily I only have to go 6 miles.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Karl gave me a call after the cable installer left. It seems he got a pretty crappy installer. It seems the guy punched unnecessary holes in the wall, which is stupid since Karl and I prewired the inside. Then he set up the broadband bypassing the router. Of coarse, when Karl hooked up the router, the internet didn't work due to Comcast's MAC address verification. Luckily with new routers, it's as easy as cloning. I think this was the first time that a problem was solved on the same phone call
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I went over to Karl's to help him finish some wiring. He's been using DSL and will make the switch to Comcast cable. Now I know that there are many variables in determining whether DSL or cable is better, but I've never used a DSL line that was anywhere near the speed of cable. I guess we'll see after he gets it up and running.
Anyway, one thing led to another, and I didn't get to bed until 1:30. As usual, tomorrow's going to be fun trying to stay awake. I'll never learn.
Anyway, one thing led to another, and I didn't get to bed until 1:30. As usual, tomorrow's going to be fun trying to stay awake. I'll never learn.
Monday, September 12, 2005
I was in the garage today, and I noticed the bastard squirrel had eaten through another piece of wood that I nailed up to block his original entrance. Originally, I sprayed some of that expanding foam, but he just walked through that. Then I got smart and tried 2x4's, and apparently was outsmarted. All were good ideas, until I realized that he was built to chew through things. I guess the next step is either chili peppers or the guillotine.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I went to some family functions today. I checked the camera for the battery status. There was an extra set in the case, so I figured I was good. Well, after a few shots, the batteries in the camera went. And of course the batteries in the case were dead. Luckily, the camera takes AA batteries and I was able to find some extra, but I sure need to rethink my rechargeable battery process.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
I got to watch a few tennis matches today, all in incredible high definition. I'll have to admit that it's been a while since I watched anything HD, partly because there's just not many quality shows. But after seeing tennis, it's time to find something worth watching just for HD sake.
I was as giddy as a school girl.
I was as giddy as a school girl.
Friday, September 9, 2005
I spent a lot of time working with Coppermine. It seems like it will work pretty good. It's a bit bloated as far as code, but as long as it gets the job done for now, I won't mind.
I also started wiring the garage for extra lights, and am planning the AV and network wiring. There's nothing like playing Xbox in the garage with some buddies.
I also started wiring the garage for extra lights, and am planning the AV and network wiring. There's nothing like playing Xbox in the garage with some buddies.
Thursday, September 8, 2005
I got the final component to the jumble of wires in the movie room. This one will allow the Xbox to output DTS. Maybe more importantly, I won't have to press a few buttons to get both Xbox video and audio ... only one mere button.
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
I stayed up way to late watching the US Open. My all time favorite player Agassi was playing in possibly his last Open. It was quite a good match lasting into the wee hours of the morning. I'm not sure if he can go all the way this year, but he's sure fun to watch.
Also, I've been trying to make the Oberkampf script more robust to allow other users on the family blog to incorporate a photo gallery. But for some reason, I just can't get it to work. I'm sure it's something simple. I'd like to try to figure it out, as it uses Flickr to host and organize the photos. I'm currently looking into other options. I'd like to write my own and incorporate it into Nucleus, but we all know that won't happen.
Also, I've been trying to make the Oberkampf script more robust to allow other users on the family blog to incorporate a photo gallery. But for some reason, I just can't get it to work. I'm sure it's something simple. I'd like to try to figure it out, as it uses Flickr to host and organize the photos. I'm currently looking into other options. I'd like to write my own and incorporate it into Nucleus, but we all know that won't happen.
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
So, I've been seeing a lot of photos and footage of the hurricane damage and flooding. It's been over a week now and people are still being rescued from rooftops. And there are still people waiting to be bused out or have decided to just stick around. It's almost hard for me to comprehend. You're at work one day, studying and surfing the net, and the next you're running from rising waters. Then on top of it, the sole goal everyday from that point is to stay alive, either on a heated rooftop with no food or wandering the city with nothing to eat. Life as it existed before is completely gone.
This is getting too deep. I gotta go steal some songs.
This is getting too deep. I gotta go steal some songs.
Monday, September 5, 2005
I went over to Karl's to fix his Xbox networking once and for all. We just can't seem to figure it out. I set his network up very similar to mine, and still nothing. Everything seems in order. I'm sure Karl's hiding something very important from me. My only conclusion is that he put up his surround speakers before me, and subconsciously I don't want to fix the problem for him.
Sunday, September 4, 2005
Another lazy day. For as much as I complain about not getting projects done, I find myself enjoying not doing them. Do what makes you happy, right?
Saturday, September 3, 2005
I stayed up pretty late tonight, goofing off on the computer and Xbox. I was able to swap components between my two fried Xbox's in an attempt to build one good one. No luck. It looks like I'll be soldering some new circuitry after all.
Friday, September 2, 2005
Not only did I get to wear jeans to work, but was able to leave at 2:00. Ahh, the little things.
Thursday, September 1, 2005
I went and bought a new 100GB hard drive from a dude in the shady part of town for $50. Now I can start the server rebuild. I quickly checked the going rate from Best Buy, and right now they have a deal on a 300GB for $100. I know, 3 times the storage for twice the money, but who has time to deal with rebates? The way I figure it, by the time I need more space, prices will once again have dropped.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I was able to put some further enhancements into my study site today. I still find it very satisfying to create an application out of nothing, and have it work correctly. Normally, I'd spend another few hours making it look pretty, but I'm running out of time and actually need to start using it to study.
I also spent some time tonight trying to help Karl get his samba share working between his Xbox and Windows machine. Everything seems in order, but there's got to be a simple setting we're missing. We were using Google's new talk program, and the lag was pretty bad. Unfortunately, I wasn't exactly using Google's UI, since they don't have a Linux version, yet. I had to use KDE's prepackaged program, Kopete. I must have an older version, because mine certainly doesn't look as pretty as the websites photos.
I also spent some time tonight trying to help Karl get his samba share working between his Xbox and Windows machine. Everything seems in order, but there's got to be a simple setting we're missing. We were using Google's new talk program, and the lag was pretty bad. Unfortunately, I wasn't exactly using Google's UI, since they don't have a Linux version, yet. I had to use KDE's prepackaged program, Kopete. I must have an older version, because mine certainly doesn't look as pretty as the websites photos.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I found I had 7 spam comments on recent posts. After manually deleting them, another 8 showed up. The spambot seems to have moved along. I noticed Blogger set up Word Verification recently to combat this. I may have to enable this.
I also tried to do a fresh install of Linux on the server, but it appears the hard drive has gone to a better place. I guess this is an excuse to go buy a new one. I happen to have about 5 hard drives laying around, but since they were used in old 386's, I don't think 720 MB will be enough space.
I also tried to do a fresh install of Linux on the server, but it appears the hard drive has gone to a better place. I guess this is an excuse to go buy a new one. I happen to have about 5 hard drives laying around, but since they were used in old 386's, I don't think 720 MB will be enough space.
Monday, August 29, 2005
I had the day off today and went to the State Fair. I ate the usual fare: cheese curds, bucket of cookies, sweet corn, and a malt. I didn't get a chance to go to the bonsai display or the technology building. Last year, the tech exhibits were lame. It sure is a different experience pushing a four week old baby around. Instead of walking around watching people or looking at new exhibits, I found myself checking out the make and model of other parents baby strollers.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I got a chance to open my two new Xbox's today. I bought both knowing they were failed attempts at chip modding. I opened the first one and it's pretty obvious why it won't boot. Most of the tracers on one side of the processor are all but gone. The second one won't even power up, implying the power supply is shot. I opened it anyway and there may be one or two tracers needing replaced on the mobo, but it looks like it may work as is. When I get another chance, I'm going to take the good power supply from the first Xbox and use it in the second, with hopefully good results. Stay tuned, maybe some photos will show up.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Damn, missed a post.
We had a few friends over tonight. It was good. A nice relaxing evening, of babies crying. I have Monday off and am looking forward to a three day weekend.
We had a few friends over tonight. It was good. A nice relaxing evening, of babies crying. I have Monday off and am looking forward to a three day weekend.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I tried to finally watch a movie off the Xbox, and wouldn't you know, there was technically difficulties. I've been encoding the DTS sound, and I don't have the Xbox hooked up to my DTS decoder. Stupid. I've been trying to find the last cable of the collection to get this project done, but nowhere local sells it. I have one more store to check out and then I'll go to eBay.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Well, my car got broken into last night, again. It was the same bastards that did it before. They smashed the same window and tried to pry the radio out. I said it before and I'll say it again, there's no way you'd be able to get it out with a damn crowbar. Now, if you had a phillips screwdriver, that'd be a different story. Damn amateurs.
I almost want to leave the car out to temp them to try again. I'd set up a motion sensing video camera that would signal me somehow. I'm not exactly sure what I'd do if I caught them red-handed, but I'd have some footage of the mayhem.
I almost want to leave the car out to temp them to try again. I'd set up a motion sensing video camera that would signal me somehow. I'm not exactly sure what I'd do if I caught them red-handed, but I'd have some footage of the mayhem.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I'm coding three different projects right now, and am really enjoying all.
I think I finally got the picture process down. I'm using Picasa to organize, do minor editing, and exporting down-res'd images. Then I'm using Flickr to host the pictures and integrating them onto the family website using Oberkampf. This way I'll also be able to integrate Flickr on the Xbox.
I think I finally got the picture process down. I'm using Picasa to organize, do minor editing, and exporting down-res'd images. Then I'm using Flickr to host the pictures and integrating them onto the family website using Oberkampf. This way I'll also be able to integrate Flickr on the Xbox.
Monday, August 22, 2005
I spent another day at work coding. I really miss not being able to stream music from the internet while working.
More importantly, the first package arrived today of Operation Xbox Expand. I got another wireless controller for use in the Fireplace Room. Now I'm just awaiting the second package ...
More importantly, the first package arrived today of Operation Xbox Expand. I got another wireless controller for use in the Fireplace Room. Now I'm just awaiting the second package ...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
I'm really behind on my studying, but it's so easy to not study, especially when the other projects are too numerous. Another movie night came and went, and no movie was to be seen. I bought a lot of stuff from eBay this past week, so hopefully it all comes this week, because I just don't have enough to do already.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I got some more work done in the garage, and then headed over to Karl's. We were going to swap some games and movies between the Xbox's, but had a hard time getting the configuration to work. We ended up having to use his PC as a middle man, which was incredibly slow. We ran out of time for me to get anything he had, which is alright because he had nothing to offer. I'm sensing the scale is a little out of balance. Surely something that will be fixed next visit.
Right, Karl?
By the way, Bloggers spell check wanted to change "Karl's" to Carol, girl's, or careless.
Right, Karl?
By the way, Bloggers spell check wanted to change "Karl's" to Carol, girl's, or careless.
Friday, August 19, 2005
I haven't had time to sit and watch a movie in some time. With my new schedule, I'll either have to learn to watch movies over many sittings (something I've always hated doing), or watch programs coming in smaller time increments. One show I've started watching on DVD is Sopranos. I've got a few more series in the queue to start watching.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I spent the day at work building a program to help me study. It's a web application that will produce a pop up window throughout the day with a random question, basically note cards when I'm not expecting it. Since I'm at the computer the entire time I'm at work, this will help in the pounding of facts in my brain. I've got the front end built to enter, edit, and delete questions, and a page that produces the pop up at set intervals. I just need to figure out how I want to have the pop up show at random times. I'm going to let Knapper also use this to help test and debug it. Who knows, maybe I'll open it up to other students to use ... for an astronomical fee.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Here's a little trick I've picked up. Most of the junk snail mail I receive is some sort of offer where you fill out a form and send it back using their "No Postage necessary" envelope. The companies pay the postage on these, only if they're sent back. So I usually stuff the envelope with all the crap they sent me and return it. Now, they have to pay the postage and get rid of their propaganda. And if you stuff it really full, the envelope can't fit through the automated postal sorter, and will get the manual sorted rate. Brilliant.
Hopefully this will increase the companies expenses, thereby causing them to see that sending junk mail is more expensive than it's worth. One small step for man ...
Hopefully this will increase the companies expenses, thereby causing them to see that sending junk mail is more expensive than it's worth. One small step for man ...
Monday, August 15, 2005
I wish I could remember what I read today that was cool. I have a tendency to read about a lot of topics. I couldn't tell you what any of those topics are, but if asked about something, I could rattle off everything I read about it. Even this post is half thought out.
It could be that I spent time in the garage sniffing expanding foam.
It could be that I spent time in the garage sniffing expanding foam.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Since everybody was sleeping in and I couldn't work in the garage, I spent a few hours playing the latest addition to my Xbox library, Destroy All Humans!. My initial take is that it's funner than average. It has a quick learning curve, humor in the cut scenes and game play, and is easy to quit and come back to.
After the house woke up, I spent the rest of the day building the shelving in the garage. A before picture might have been worth it.
After the house woke up, I spent the rest of the day building the shelving in the garage. A before picture might have been worth it.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
I started "Phase I" of the garage project. I need to build some shelving to get the bins (5 of which is just Christmas crap) off the floor. In order to do this, I had to install two ceiling fans, which of course wobbled the house off the foundation. I also had to figure out where the network wiring will go, along with the TV, Xbox, and other AV equipment. "Phase I" is turning out to be bigger than I have time for.
Friday, August 12, 2005
I went to go get my two free in-store rentals from Blockbuster, and one of the printed coupons didn't work. The store said they couldn't do anything for me and that I should contact the online customer service. Yeah right. Every time I do that, I get some unrelated response from Sarif Sharphhreeghggh. I suppose looking at the big picture, I shouldn't complain. I'm saving a lot of money by using the coupons to rent games for my modded Xbox.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I finally got a few hours of Xbox in tonight. I threw in Fable to give it another chance. I got through the training and started to go on a real quest, but had to quit just then. Many people say video games are a waste of time and brain power, but I find it quite therapeutic.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
On my list to do is to look into making sure the DirecTiVo was making its daily call since the switch to Vonage. Naturally I haven't looked into for a while. I think it's finally catching up with me since Season Passes are starting to not record due to "Insufficient Listing Information". I read somewhere that you have to set the unit to call New York for it to work with Vonage. Apparently this is a well known bug.
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Another missed post, but this one wasn't my fault. The electricity went out for the entire neighborhood at around 9:30 and I couldn't stay awake to reboot the house. I watched this show about a community that is "off the grid", meaning no government or corporate sewer, water, or electricity. They had to light a fire to heat the water for their shower, which they only took every five days. But the cool thing was the solar panels they used to generate electricity. Apparently they've come down in price. Next blackout, I'm buying some.
Oh, and apparently I'm lonely enough to have a spambot comment on Sunday.
Oh, and apparently I'm lonely enough to have a spambot comment on Sunday.
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Again, it's been a long time since I posted. I've either been in the hospital or, as a result, tending to a baby. They say that your life changes once you have a kid, and they aren't kidding. Now that it's been over a week since the birth, things have slightly settled. So I'm back in business.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Now, this is something. A meteorite crashed through the ceiling and landed next to a guy working on his computer in his house. The closest to this I've experienced is a piece of ice falling from the "El" in Chicago and hitting me in the head. It really hurt.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Just when I thought I got it all figured out ...
I watched Coach Carter tonight from the Xbox in DivX format. The video looks great when viewing it on the computer monitor, but I certainly can tell the difference from DVD on the 55" RPTV. It's almost as bad as a standard definition signal from DirecTV. I didn't notice it this bad on other movies, so maybe it's an anomaly.
On an unrelated note, I finally broke my cell phone clip. It actually held up for over 3 months, pretty good for how many times I've dropped it.
I watched Coach Carter tonight from the Xbox in DivX format. The video looks great when viewing it on the computer monitor, but I certainly can tell the difference from DVD on the 55" RPTV. It's almost as bad as a standard definition signal from DirecTV. I didn't notice it this bad on other movies, so maybe it's an anomaly.
On an unrelated note, I finally broke my cell phone clip. It actually held up for over 3 months, pretty good for how many times I've dropped it.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Finally, I finished a project that I've been wanting to get done for a long time. I set up Xbox Media Center as my default dashboard. This will help accessing pictures and video easier for the household. I just have a couple more tweaks to get it exactly how I want it. I'm still looking around for broken boxes to put one at every TV. I say broken because I won't be using the DVD-ROM or hard drive. Really all I need is the motherboard and power supply, and I can put it in a black shoe box with an "X" made out of masking tape on the top.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I figured I was going to be at work late tonight, but it turned out I had less work than I thought. Naturally, I used the evening for no benefit other than taking it easy.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I read that November 4th is when the Xbox 360 will be released. It's going to be an exciting day when Karl gets his. I, on the other hand, will wait until the mods start popping up. When the games are $60 each, it would be hard to not rip them. But we'll see.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
My order arrived today from Combo Clothing. I like getting stuff I'm into. They're just a bunch of gamers that are making some shirts and selling them. Now, as we all know, I don't have time to set up a shop to do this. But, if you send Combo Clothing a design and they use it, you'll get $100 plus $1 for every shirt they sell with your design. Surely, I can come up with something. Hmmm...
Monday, July 18, 2005
I spent the better part of the night over at Karl's wiring his home network. The fishing and wiring inside the house was relatively easy. Then we had to hook up the DSL to the demarc. It seemed logical, but we tried to copy how the current DSL line was installed. Wrong idea, especially when the previous installer was going against standards. After many trials and errors, we didn't get it figured out. In fact, I'm surprised we even got the DSL back up and running on the old line.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I watched Elektra tonight. A lot of people didn't like it. As far as comic book movies go, I thought it was acceptable ... much better than Catwoman, but nowhere near Batman Begins.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I've been having troubles with my Vonage account. It seems I can't receive incoming calls. After a total of an hour on the phone with customer service, it turns out that the process of keeping my same number was never complete. So when the service from Qwest, my local carrier, ended, my phone number is now "disconnected", even though I can still make outgoing calls.
Luckily, only telemarketers ever call my home, so maybe I'm now off some call lists.
Luckily, only telemarketers ever call my home, so maybe I'm now off some call lists.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Of course I received all three DVD's today from Blockbuster. And I forgot to use my two free in-store rentals before they expired. I wonder what it will take to make me finally switch to Netflix?
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I haven't received a DVD from Blockbuster in over a week. I'm to the breaking point. After complaining about not receiving any of the shipments I was supposed to, they shipped some more with an estimated arrival date of today. Nothing. So this is it: if I don't get anything tomorrow, I'm switching to Netflix. Mark my words...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I saw this server project over on Slashdot. It's these kinds of projects that make me want to build stuff, and I'm not talking no paper cup projects. It is nice to have the laptop up and running to do some internet research. Now to only stop time...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I think all of my personal learning of Nucleus, PHP, and other random research has finally taken its toll on my work schedule. I've been increasing my "fun" time at work while decreasing my "work" time. I might have to cut myself off in order to clear some mounting pressures to get things done.
Or work twice as fast so I still have some play time.
Or work twice as fast so I still have some play time.
Monday, July 11, 2005
I've put a link under Notables to the family website, or my first stab at using Nucleus. It will shed some light on my "other" life, as opposed to my battle royale with technology described here.
As my PHP knowledge expands, I get closer to porting this site from Blogger.
As my PHP knowledge expands, I get closer to porting this site from Blogger.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I took the time tonight to install Mandrake Linux 10.1 (now Mandriva) on my laptop. I had 8.0 on it before I messed it up. I thought I was ready for a more serious distro, but I guess not. Anyway, in about an hour, I had the laptop up and running, connected wirelessly to the network, and surfing the web. Quite incredible actually since I did the network setup manually.
Saturday, July 9, 2005
I ran around like a decapitated chicken today doing errands, resulting in additional projects for the house.
There are two inventions for the home that seem incredible, but they are a nuisance: vacuum cleaners and ceiling fans. Vacuum cleaners always get clogged, they're dirty, and never seem to work consistently for a year. So I bought some parts to fix it, but we all know how this will turn out. For ceiling fans, you're suppose to make sure they are installed into support beams. If they're installed incorrectly, they may fall and kill you. Now, I've never known anyone to install one correctly, and I've never known anyone getting killed by one. I started out with good intentions to install one correctly, but after the curses came, I think I'm going to resort to just slapping it up and dealing with the injuries later.
There are two inventions for the home that seem incredible, but they are a nuisance: vacuum cleaners and ceiling fans. Vacuum cleaners always get clogged, they're dirty, and never seem to work consistently for a year. So I bought some parts to fix it, but we all know how this will turn out. For ceiling fans, you're suppose to make sure they are installed into support beams. If they're installed incorrectly, they may fall and kill you. Now, I've never known anyone to install one correctly, and I've never known anyone getting killed by one. I started out with good intentions to install one correctly, but after the curses came, I think I'm going to resort to just slapping it up and dealing with the injuries later.
Friday, July 8, 2005
I finally got around to setting up the family blog idea. This idea was to set up a system so that individual "households" could set up blogs; we could set up family reunions, calendar functions, contact information, etc. I choose to use Godaddy as the hosting company, and Nucleus as the content manager. It'll probably start out as another personal site and allow other households to become members as I become more familiar with it.
As Nucleus was built around PHP and MySQL, I finally get to get my hands dirty with some old fashion coding.
As Nucleus was built around PHP and MySQL, I finally get to get my hands dirty with some old fashion coding.
Thursday, July 7, 2005
After grueling testing, I think my official DVD backup system is to use StreamRipper to rip the DVD to the hard drive, then use DivX Converter to store them as divx files, and watch via the DivX Player on PC or XBMC on Xbox. I haven't come across a DVD I couldn't backup, and I think the $20 is worth it.
Happy Anniversary, Pea.
Happy Anniversary, Pea.
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Whoa, what happened here? Over a week without a post. Am I too busy to take 5 minutes to post something everyday? I think I need an entire month of no work to get caught up with my projects.
Ahh, who am I kidding? I'd spend it all playing Xbox.
Ahh, who am I kidding? I'd spend it all playing Xbox.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I read that Peter Jackson, director of LOTR, will receive at least $200 million for the movie. What? Aside from the usual "what would I buy if I won the lottery" question, I can't even comprehend that much money, let alone getting it through directing a movie.
I have to seriously think about my profession.
I have to seriously think about my profession.
Monday, June 27, 2005
I spent the night cutting up the old carpet for easier handling. I went through a few razor blades in the process. And because it was storming outside, I had to keep the garage door closed, which triggered a sauna-like effect.
I experimented a bit with, which compares searches between Yahoo! and Google. At the time of this post, echomoche was number 8 on Yahoo! and first on Google.
Post #200 ...
I experimented a bit with, which compares searches between Yahoo! and Google. At the time of this post, echomoche was number 8 on Yahoo! and first on Google.
Post #200 ...
Sunday, June 26, 2005
I was getting ahead of schedule on my chores today. I had a choice between getting the server going, rebuilding the laptop, or playing video games. I chose the easy way, Xbox. If only I could pass MC2. Although, there's nothing like playing the same level over and over, and over and ...
Saturday, June 25, 2005
I went to visit with the family at the annual camping trip. Luckily, there was no spending the night. Not that I don't like camping, I just like getting stuff off my to-do list.
Speaking of technology, I played a game called Kubb. The rules are you throw pieces of wood at pieces of wood.
Speaking of technology, I played a game called Kubb. The rules are you throw pieces of wood at pieces of wood.
Friday, June 24, 2005
I really enjoy grilling season. I think I've been on the deck each night with the grill, a magazine, a brew, and a Djarum. I can't wait until I get the laptop running again.
Just ... need ... time ...
Just ... need ... time ...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I went out on a paddle boat for work today for the afternoon. Man, the sun drains you...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
StreamRipper works fair enough. It seems to have trouble distinguishing the exact timing to cut off files and start new ones between songs. This might have something to do with the radio station being tricky and fading the songs together. This probably isn't a big issue, since I'm listening only to discover new bands, after which I'll end up "buying" the disc.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I put about half a gig of recorded stream on the new player for my bus ride home. Right when I pushed play while waiting for the bus, the battery died. And unfortunately, it has a proprietary battery pack, not AAA batteries. Humbug.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Since I got a new MP3 player, I've been craving some new music. My current solution is to record some internet radio stations. I needed a stream recorder that would also parse the songs into individual files. As there are quite a few free ones out there, I choose one cleverly called StreamRipper. We'll see how it works.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
I've noticed again that I'm veering away from posting about technology. This is probably because other things in my life are competing for the precious time.
The rumors are that the results of my last exam come out this week. I've actually started studying for the next round. It sucks now, but will be worth it when I'm done.
The rumors are that the results of my last exam come out this week. I've actually started studying for the next round. It sucks now, but will be worth it when I'm done.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
I had a full day of fun today. I got whipped around behind a boat today. I can guarantee I'll be soar tomorrow. Then I went up to North Branch for Karl's party and drank all of Dave's beer.
Weekends are worth it.
Weekends are worth it.
Friday, June 17, 2005
One of the things on my list to do before I die is to go storm-chasing. I think it would be incredibly fun to see a tornado in progress, deaths aside.
I also got a chance to play more with my new iRiver H10. This is a device that has an audio player, picture viewer, FM tuner, voice recorder, and text viewer, all with 5GB's internal storage. I need to get into discovering new music again. Suggestions are welcome.
I also got a chance to play more with my new iRiver H10. This is a device that has an audio player, picture viewer, FM tuner, voice recorder, and text viewer, all with 5GB's internal storage. I need to get into discovering new music again. Suggestions are welcome.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I was in an all day meeting and all of a sudden Pea showed up. Well, surprise, surprise. Everyone in the meeting had set up a surprise party for us, but Pea was in on it. I'm sure I was as red as a beet. Nobody had a camera, but one of the big wigs literally had 3 cell phones, a Blackberry, and a PDA, and didn't know how to work any of them. It would be fun to be rich and buy toys that you don't use.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I got home from Chicago at around midnight. Again, not a short drive. And on top of it, I got pulled over for doing 80 in a 65. First of all, why is the speed limit on I-94 only 65mph? The cop told me that the ticket was around $280 and that in Wisconsin you have to pay on the spot. Luckily he gave me a warning. Of course I drove slower all the way home, hence the midnight arrival time.
Wisconsin sucks.
Wisconsin sucks.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Today was the first day of my seminar, and as such, my mind was wandering. I watched National Treasure this past weekend. The only reason I gave this an average rating is because it was about the Freemasons and had secret codes to break. This got me thinking that I need to become part of a secret society, perhaps the Illuminati, or start my own.
It would help if I was filthy rich and didn't need a day job.
It would help if I was filthy rich and didn't need a day job.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
After trouble checking into the Allerton Crowne Plaza downtown, we spent the entire afternoon on Navy Pier. It was another nice day to sightsee, picture take, and urban geocache. There was one that was creative. It was a film canister wrapped in velcro with the other piece glued around a blind corner. So you had to reach around into a dark crevice and feel around.
Another creative one had several locations you had to find and parse information off of signs, do a little math and conversions to calculate the final cache location. Well I ended up not finding it because I think I used a short ton conversion from pounds instead of a long ton. Maybe next time...
Another creative one had several locations you had to find and parse information off of signs, do a little math and conversions to calculate the final cache location. Well I ended up not finding it because I think I used a short ton conversion from pounds instead of a long ton. Maybe next time...
Saturday, June 11, 2005
I spent a few hours in the blazing sun going to a couple different parks finding some caches.
The Sheraton hotel claimed to have free wi-fi access in all rooms. After spending an hour playing around with configurations, I finally got connected with an incredibly weak signal. After each page loaded, the connection would of course drop and it would take 5 minutes to reconnect. They probably had one access point down in the front desk. I guess I could have went down there or complained, but it was much easier to shut down the computer.
The Sheraton hotel claimed to have free wi-fi access in all rooms. After spending an hour playing around with configurations, I finally got connected with an incredibly weak signal. After each page loaded, the connection would of course drop and it would take 5 minutes to reconnect. They probably had one access point down in the front desk. I guess I could have went down there or complained, but it was much easier to shut down the computer.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Seven hours in the car is a long time. Coming from St. Paul to Chicago, we went through a few tolls. This is a completely inefficient system that humans thought up. Let's make everyone come to a screeching halt and pay a measly 80 cents every few miles. Stupid. I can't wait until the RFID chips are installed in our brains at birth.
Thursday, June 9, 2005
I spent today entering some coordinates from into my Garmin GPS. I have a seminar in Chicago next week, and Pea and I are leaving tomorrow to make a weekend trip out of it.
If only I got paid to play on the internet. Oh wait, I guess I do.
If only I got paid to play on the internet. Oh wait, I guess I do.
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
I'm doing some testing at work to verify the new version of a particular model gives the same output as the old model. Basically it's just running a few test cases through. Unfortunately, it's not going well. On top of that, I didn't build the new model, so I'm spending most of my time complaining and devising more efficient ways to do the same thing. The good news is that I'll probably be in charge of the next version and will be able to change anything I want. The bad news is that I'll actually have to work.
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Karl came over to help me move the furniture back in each room, and then he paid for my dinner. All this, and he hasn't given me signs of impending doom at his place. Hmmm...
After that, the Three Kings met and discussed the state of the union. The CD player in the garage finally gave out. This might be the motivation I need to get the all-house speaker system in place. If I just wasn't so lazy.
After that, the Three Kings met and discussed the state of the union. The CD player in the garage finally gave out. This might be the motivation I need to get the all-house speaker system in place. If I just wasn't so lazy.
Monday, June 6, 2005
I had the day off to keep a watchful eye on the carpet installers. And since they were on the top two floors, that only meant I had to be holed up in the basement. Instead of being productive, I spent the entire day on Xbox. As soon as I pass Midnight Club 2, I'll have to work on Riddick.
I also got around to watching Chronicles of Riddick. I can see how some might think this is a stupid, pointless movie, but I really liked it. A good combination of visual effects and story. It had many sub-plots going that were easily distinguishable, but had some great ideas on joining them in the end.
I also got around to watching Chronicles of Riddick. I can see how some might think this is a stupid, pointless movie, but I really liked it. A good combination of visual effects and story. It had many sub-plots going that were easily distinguishable, but had some great ideas on joining them in the end.
Sunday, June 5, 2005
I pretty much spent all day pulling out every staple in the floor from the old carpet. I can't open my hand now from clenching the pliers.
These house projects are sure getting in the way of my tech projects.
These house projects are sure getting in the way of my tech projects.
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Karl and I busted through some projects today. We took everything out of many rooms and crammed it into fewer rooms. Then we ripped up thousands of square feet of smelly carpet. Of course, all this was rewarded with Xbox, pizza, and RvB.
In the words of Karl, if you bought an Xbox and played only Halo, it would've been worth it.
In the words of Karl, if you bought an Xbox and played only Halo, it would've been worth it.
Thursday, June 2, 2005
I finally got my main HDD, secondary HDD, CD writer/DVD, and Neo all working (somewhat nicely) together. The Neo is very picky on which IDE cable connection and jumper settings it has with multiple devices are present.
Now, to find more music.
Now, to find more music.
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
I was walking down the street when I saw two guys, one in a suit and the other in rags. Both were talking to themselves and each started screaming. I chalked them both up as crazy, but noticed Suit had an earpiece connected to his phone. Maybe Rags had a tooth phone.
I'm going to have to buy about 50 rechargeable batteries and have them in rotation. My Xbox wireless controller finally conked out. And I was in the lead in Midnight Club 2.
I'm going to have to buy about 50 rechargeable batteries and have them in rotation. My Xbox wireless controller finally conked out. And I was in the lead in Midnight Club 2.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I officially give up painting. I'm obviously not good at it, which any one could tell by simply looking at the walls. This in turn means I hate it. Luckily, my duties have officially ended since all three rooms are done.
Maybe now I'll have time for my latest project.
Maybe now I'll have time for my latest project.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Probably the most beautiful Memorial Day in history, and guess where I was ... inside painting.
Somebody owes me for this. Big time.
Somebody owes me for this. Big time.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
I'm covered in paint and my retinas have pink burned into them (the primer was pink, not the paint).
I did get to watch House of Flying Daggers and Flight of the Phoenix this weekend. I expected Phoenix to be just another Hollywood movie made for money. Although not great, much better than I expected. I didn't really know what to expect of Daggers. It's usually hard to tell how foreign martial arts movies that are imported to the States will pan out. But, if you're into martial arts movies, this should definitely be on your list to see. As I do all foreign movies, I highly recommend keeping it in its native language and have English subtitles.
I did get to watch House of Flying Daggers and Flight of the Phoenix this weekend. I expected Phoenix to be just another Hollywood movie made for money. Although not great, much better than I expected. I didn't really know what to expect of Daggers. It's usually hard to tell how foreign martial arts movies that are imported to the States will pan out. But, if you're into martial arts movies, this should definitely be on your list to see. As I do all foreign movies, I highly recommend keeping it in its native language and have English subtitles.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
I started the "Makeover of 2005" on the house. There are three rooms getting new carpet next week, so it seemed like a good idea to paint each of those rooms. Seemed...
Friday, May 27, 2005
I finally figured out why XBMC wasn't working. This one sure racked my brain. Here's the long version.
I built an entertainment center for the movie room with the equipment shelf way on the left side. I obviously didn't take cable length into account as all my component cables were a few inches too short to reach the inputs on the TV. Because component cable is not cheap, I rerouted all equipment to pass through my A/V tuner, with only this going to the TV. Unfortunately, I had no more inputs on the tuner for the Xbox, so I had to plug this directly into the TV. Well, XBMC recognized that component cables were connected and output 1080i. Since I only have one HD input on my TV, the Xbox is plugged into a 480p input. Hence, a scrambled picture. My current workaround is to force Xbox to down convert to 480p, which is fine for now as I don't have any HD games or movies.
As I said, this sure took a lot of brain.
I built an entertainment center for the movie room with the equipment shelf way on the left side. I obviously didn't take cable length into account as all my component cables were a few inches too short to reach the inputs on the TV. Because component cable is not cheap, I rerouted all equipment to pass through my A/V tuner, with only this going to the TV. Unfortunately, I had no more inputs on the tuner for the Xbox, so I had to plug this directly into the TV. Well, XBMC recognized that component cables were connected and output 1080i. Since I only have one HD input on my TV, the Xbox is plugged into a 480p input. Hence, a scrambled picture. My current workaround is to force Xbox to down convert to 480p, which is fine for now as I don't have any HD games or movies.
As I said, this sure took a lot of brain.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
The Three Kings convened tonight. It's always a blast to hang out. We did some grilling, gaming, drinking, car hacking, and pondering. We decided to save Edward Fortyhands for another night, one which we didn't have to work the next day and where women and children are nowhere near.
I brought my Xbox over and hooked it up to Karl's TV, and XBMC worked. So now I have to figure out what the difference between the two setups are. The two obvious differences at Karl's are that we didn't have the network cable plugged in and he had a full screen TV, as opposed to widescreen. Hmm...
I brought my Xbox over and hooked it up to Karl's TV, and XBMC worked. So now I have to figure out what the difference between the two setups are. The two obvious differences at Karl's are that we didn't have the network cable plugged in and he had a full screen TV, as opposed to widescreen. Hmm...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I finally saw the Minnesota quarter for the first time. It has the phrase "Land of 10,000 Lakes", a loon, and two people in a boat fishing. These are the things that symbolize Minnesota? I, as a Minnesotan, hate fishing (except if it entails beer and not much fishing). I figure I can make fun of it since my uncle was on the commission to design it. He'll hear it from me at the next family gathering.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The good news is that I may have found a fix for my XBMC. I'll have to try it tomorrow.
The bad news is that I tried to tweak the antenna in the attic to receive OTA HD signals. Not only would this allow me to get all local HD content, but I could then cancel the "locals package" from DirecTV. Using my trusty Garmin eTrex Vista, I pointed the antenna to 318°, but there's another tower at 321°. I get decent signal for half the channels, but very weak for the other half. Another variable is that I'm running over 50' of coax, which severely degrades the signal. So either I rethink my antenna distribution or get an amp for the line.
With the Powerball at 180 million, I think I'll bulldoze the house ... after I win.
The bad news is that I tried to tweak the antenna in the attic to receive OTA HD signals. Not only would this allow me to get all local HD content, but I could then cancel the "locals package" from DirecTV. Using my trusty Garmin eTrex Vista, I pointed the antenna to 318°, but there's another tower at 321°. I get decent signal for half the channels, but very weak for the other half. Another variable is that I'm running over 50' of coax, which severely degrades the signal. So either I rethink my antenna distribution or get an amp for the line.
With the Powerball at 180 million, I think I'll bulldoze the house ... after I win.
Monday, May 23, 2005
One word, Edward Fortyhands. I tried to convince the Three Kings to attempt this. We're hopefully getting together on Thursday to try it out. Would this be a good time to get the video camera out?
Sunday, May 22, 2005
I was looking forward to watching a movie tonight. My only real chance of catching up on all the movies I need to see is during the off season of studying. My target is at least two per week. Well, it didn't happen this week. I guess it feels good to get some work done around the house, but I think the withdrawal symptoms are appearing.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I reinstalled XBMC and am still having the same problem. I better get this figured out soon because all the movies I've been ripping are just sitting in storage not being watched. Unacceptable.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Pea and I took a walk around the lake today. There's maybe 5 caches in the parks. We looked for one and successfully found it. There's a multi-cache close by with clues and riddles. Hopefully summer weather will get here soon to enjoy this new game.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
For some reason, XBMC has become corrupt on the Xbox. The video is all scrambled. From what I can tell (I've had practice deciphering scrambled cable channels), sometimes it hangs on the splash screen and sometimes continues to the menu. At any rate, this will be yet another thing that worked fine that I'll have to fix. I guess if software worked the way programmers intended, there wouldn't be bugs to exploit.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
I rented Fable for the Xbox. I've put maybe an hour into it. So far, it's nothing amazing, but I'm still in "training". It definitely has great potential. Hopefully I'll be able to put some more hours in, but I'm sure I'll be working on the house more than I'd like to. There's nothing more that I like to do than mudding the walls. Nothing.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I came back from Hartford and did not find the two caches I looked for. I think one of them went missing from flooding, as I guess the area down by the river floods every spring. So now I have the Travel Bug that I should probably put somewhere so others can take it. I'm going to Chicago in June, so maybe I'll try picking it back up before I leave. Surely I'll be able to find a cache in Chicago.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Now, don't get mad if you or someone you know is a flight attendant, but this is a career that could be deleted. It took 4 flight attendants to serve a can of pop for a two hour flight. I could see having one person on board to assist with carry ons. But people bring their own food on board, and why not beverages? I've taken train and bus trips for longer than two hours that don't have "attendants". If the airline industry is looking to reduce costs, this would be one area I'd look.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I have so many projects to get done, but dubbed today to be lazy Sunday. I went up to my hometown of Cambridge to get a Travel Bug from a cache. The goal of this TB is to travel as many miles as possible. Since I'm going to Connecticut this week for work, I'll bring it along and drop it off in Hartford.
I finally watched Panic Room tonight. I'd rate it average. There were a couple weird scenes that didn't make sense, possibly due to editing. There were at least two incredible camera sequences that I caught.
Speaking of becoming a Hollywood hotshot director, I ended up going over to the movie set to be an extra. As it turned out, everyone was running late, and by the time the director got there, the pizza came and it wouldn't be for another hour before shooting. Since I had to get to my surprise, I ended up leaving before doing anything. However, I did talk to everyone I could while we were all standing around: camera man, other extras, producer, and the stunt coordinator. All good stuff.
I finally watched Panic Room tonight. I'd rate it average. There were a couple weird scenes that didn't make sense, possibly due to editing. There were at least two incredible camera sequences that I caught.
Speaking of becoming a Hollywood hotshot director, I ended up going over to the movie set to be an extra. As it turned out, everyone was running late, and by the time the director got there, the pizza came and it wouldn't be for another hour before shooting. Since I had to get to my surprise, I ended up leaving before doing anything. However, I did talk to everyone I could while we were all standing around: camera man, other extras, producer, and the stunt coordinator. All good stuff.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
I got the surprise party pulled on me tonight. I knew we were doing something for my birthday, but didn't know what exactly. I figured we'd go do something and go out to eat. We ended up looking for a cache in the early evening, which we didn't find because it was too muddy. Then came the blindfold in the car. When we got out of the car, I had a suspicion we were back home and that there was a surprise inside, maybe a candlelit dinner or my 55 gallon fish tank set up. But when the blindfold came off, there were about 30 people yelling at me. Quite the surprise.
Oh, and I got a lot of compliments on the movie room. Little do they know it's not even done, yet.
Oh, and I got a lot of compliments on the movie room. Little do they know it's not even done, yet.
Friday, May 13, 2005
I've been in contact with a producer of a short film in need of extras for a particular scene. It happens to be filming in the park right near where I live. I don't know if I'll end up going; I can't seem to find anyone to go with me. I imagine it will be a lot of standing around. I figure it'll be a good learning experience for when I become a Hollywood hotshot director.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I got a chance to watch the Xbox 360 unveil. It was certainly an MTV production, a lot of fluff, little detail. The show served its purpose in that my interest is piqued. I won't know the stuff that's important until after E3. Everyone's ranting and raving over the "sexy design", but it still looks like a small form factor case to me. The idea of an always on gaming console / media center with HD capability is very cool. I also heard a rumor that it's liquid cooled. Very cool.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I was at Menards tonight and was reminded of an incident someone had. Menards wouldn't take a check for $400 because he didn't have "proper" identification. Coincidently, he recently lost his drivers license, but had the renewal papers, along with another non-government issued picture ID. I'd say proper enough. But the thing is, I've been going to Menards for years and always use a credit card. They've never checked my ID, even when it's obvious I don't sign my name.
This got me thinking. Is it easier to forge a credit card or a check? With a credit card, you need either particular personal information of someone to apply, or access to the physical card, both of which aren't too hard. With a check, you could print them at home with the victims account numbers. Either method of payment would be easy to forge, but maybe Menards is good to at least confirm checks.
Anyway, who still uses checks, Karl?
This got me thinking. Is it easier to forge a credit card or a check? With a credit card, you need either particular personal information of someone to apply, or access to the physical card, both of which aren't too hard. With a check, you could print them at home with the victims account numbers. Either method of payment would be easy to forge, but maybe Menards is good to at least confirm checks.
Anyway, who still uses checks, Karl?
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
As predicted, I couldn't move much today due to soreness.
I've been thinking a lot about the end state of the home network, and how I'm going to get there. In one of these posts, I'll have to lay it out. But right now, I have too many computers and parts in various rooms and need to take inventory to know what I'm up against. For example, the temporary file server is a Pentium (that's Pentium I) laptop running Windows 95, while the real server is sitting upstairs in front of the heat vent. Ugh.
I've been thinking a lot about the end state of the home network, and how I'm going to get there. In one of these posts, I'll have to lay it out. But right now, I have too many computers and parts in various rooms and need to take inventory to know what I'm up against. For example, the temporary file server is a Pentium (that's Pentium I) laptop running Windows 95, while the real server is sitting upstairs in front of the heat vent. Ugh.
Monday, May 9, 2005
This will be the first full week that I'll have to work a full eight hours. As much as studying sucked, it at least broke up the day. If today was any indication of how the week will go, it's going to be incredibly difficult.
Not only that, but I helped Karl move a basement worth of sheetrock from the driveway. Unfortunately for us, more so for me, I haven't worked out in quite a while. Little does he know what's in store for him over at my house.
Not only that, but I helped Karl move a basement worth of sheetrock from the driveway. Unfortunately for us, more so for me, I haven't worked out in quite a while. Little does he know what's in store for him over at my house.
Sunday, May 8, 2005
I watched Finding Neverland tonight. As it turns out, the problem I had with SmartRipper was not its fault. The disc was unreadable about 10 minutes from the end. Of course, it was probably the most important part of the movie. I got it working again in the DVD player by skipping about a minute, but I still couldn't get SmartRipper to work without sitting at the computer pressing enter to skip each unreadable bit.
In any case, I gotta find a DivX application that is a bit more robust, and seamless.
In any case, I gotta find a DivX application that is a bit more robust, and seamless.
Saturday, May 7, 2005
I went to a wedding today up in Cambridge. The reception was at the Legion, which brought back a lot of memories of various Boy Scout events. I think my favorite was the Pine Wood Derby. This is where you'd get a block of wood, and you would design, carve, paint, and weight it to roll it down a track. I wonder if I still have them stored somewhere?
Friday, May 6, 2005
I spent too long in Target playing with the little scanning gun. It reminded me of a hack I read about. All these guns are are wireless computers connecting to access points which are connected to the Target network. Some kids figured out how to exploit some codes on the guns to access the network. I think they could only do some inventory and price checks, but it was pretty cool. I think it was in 2600, a magazine that should be on everyone's coffee table.
Thursday, May 5, 2005
Man, what day is it? If it weren't for this daily blog, I'd have no clue. Partying like a rock star. Things should return to normal once I ... I can't think why they will.
I started up the movie conversion from DVD to avi's again. I currently use SmartRipper, but it seems that the newer DVD's have encryption that SmartRipper cannot handle, and I don't think SmartRipper is supported any longer. I'll have to see if XBMC can handle the newer DVD's.
I started up the movie conversion from DVD to avi's again. I currently use SmartRipper, but it seems that the newer DVD's have encryption that SmartRipper cannot handle, and I don't think SmartRipper is supported any longer. I'll have to see if XBMC can handle the newer DVD's.
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
It was great having the day off today. I'm trying to pick up where I left off before The Time We Don't Speak Of. I've gotten back into video games, getting the server room fully installed, and drinking. I suppose I should start working on other parts of the house...
But today, I drank. And having the whole house to myself today and tomorrow will probably not help matters.
But today, I drank. And having the whole house to myself today and tomorrow will probably not help matters.
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
The exam is over! You'll find no forward looking statements as to the outcome of the exam. In fact, all exam talk is banished from this site (at least until August). A few of us went to a few bars after the exam with surprisingly little talk of it. The common theme of the night was the government's use of monkeys in bomb dismantling. Boy, did we take it too far.
Monday, May 2, 2005
Well, this is it. No more studying. I suppose I'll cram a few more factoids in the brain tomorrow morning. Like that ever works.
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Saturday, April 30, 2005
There's a new radio station in the area called The Current. It's public radio that's run by common folk and plays pretty much anything that the DJ's want. It reminds me a lot of my MP3 player that has 30GB of music set to random. On the way home tonight, they played a Stan Getz duo with Joao Gilberto, followed by Beastie Boys' Intergalactic Planetary. Rad.
Friday, April 29, 2005
I feel sorry for those of you who've stumbled across this site. It must be pretty boring reading about my study adventures. Well, I've got a solution. I invite you to hang out with me while I study. If you're anywhere near normal, you'll be screaming to only have to read about and not live through study season. Just bear with me ... Tuesday is the big exam. After that, it'll be nothing but blow and hookers.
But until then, stay tuned for tomorrow's antics: marathon study day.
But until then, stay tuned for tomorrow's antics: marathon study day.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
When I study, I try to think of worse things that could happen so studying doesn't seem so bad. One I thought of was being in a dust storm in Iraq, with your eyes and mouth held open.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I'm thinking of getting Mountain Dew to be my sponsor. It'll be like NASCAR or professional golf. I'll wear their logo and use their product while I study. When I pass the test, I'll claim it was due in part to the use of Mountain Dew. I would even appear in a commercial if they'd like. All I ask is that they pay me in Mountain Dew. Nothing more, just all the Mountain Dew I need.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
It's really amazing on how much the mind wanders when you're studying insurance law. I have thought of ways to make, save, and steal money, additions to the home network, updating the file server, components of my car PC, not to mention a few theories on world peace and cold fusion.
Monday, April 25, 2005
I use Sage as my RSS reader. It's interesting to see the changes in the sites to which I subscribe. I have anywhere between 15 and 25 feeds. It got pretty crowded on my screen with 40, but then I stumbled across a feed that aggregates feeds. Thankfully, the original feeds are only updated weekly, otherwise I'd be clicking on it constantly.
But what else do you do at work?
But what else do you do at work?
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I tried to teach Pea how to play Tiger Woods, perhaps one of the easier games to learn. After about 10 shots into the water, she gave up and swore off video games. How can I continue to live with someone that hates video games?
Saturday, April 23, 2005
As you can probably guess, when the two week mark hits, I get really cranky to have to study. The spring exams are the roughest, since it's nice outside, I have other projects I want to work on, and friends call me more to do stuff. After tomorrow, only one more weekend.
I tried not drinking brew for a while in an attempt to try to keep my brain focused. I broke down tonight and picked up old standby. After only four, I was falling down the stairs, slurring my speech, and driving off cliffs.
I tried not drinking brew for a while in an attempt to try to keep my brain focused. I broke down tonight and picked up old standby. After only four, I was falling down the stairs, slurring my speech, and driving off cliffs.
Friday, April 22, 2005
I took the evening off from studying and left work around 5:00 pm. I got a little gaming in and watched Spanglish (which I'm still weighing in on). I am supposed to meet Karl online to slay some Covenant, but can't keep my peepers open and have to cash in a bit early tonight.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
If the Kamel Jockey doesn't remind you of Animatrix, I don't know what will. They've built a machine that can control a camel, but I can't figure out a way to bypass my work's internet filter.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Studying sucks. Friends are taunting me to come out and play, but I can't for another two weeks. Crap, two weeks ... I better get studying.
I did get the HD DirecTiVo up and running. It's working as expected, except that they gave me a used receiver. Of course, the box will become a doorstop in a few years anyway.
I did get the HD DirecTiVo up and running. It's working as expected, except that they gave me a used receiver. Of course, the box will become a doorstop in a few years anyway.
Monday, April 18, 2005
As I was driving home late from a wonderful day of studying, someone was driving a radio controlled car down the road. It had headlights, blinkers, and was obeying all traffic laws, including the stoplights. The cool thing was that other drivers didn't freak out, but acted as though it was a real vehicle, yielding to it and everything. It may have been the vast amounts of useless facts in my brain causing weakened blood flow, but I couldn't stop laughing. Out loud. Hard.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
I pretty much studied all day. I did take a break and found my first cache with Knapper.
For Movie Night Sunday, I watched Ocean's Twelve. A true to form thief movie, it was written and directed similar to the first. There are quite a few twists and turns, but you're expecting them. If you don't take this movie seriously and have fun with it, you'll have an entertaining two hour's.
For Movie Night Sunday, I watched Ocean's Twelve. A true to form thief movie, it was written and directed similar to the first. There are quite a few twists and turns, but you're expecting them. If you don't take this movie seriously and have fun with it, you'll have an entertaining two hour's.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
I had a great birthday today. I got to see Sin City, an excellent film. I haven't seen a movie at a movie theater in a long time. Having a decent home theater, and usually bothered by candy wrapper, popcorn eating people, I tend to stay home for my movie experiences. But this time wasn't bad, other than the commercials before the previews.
The replacement DirecTiVo came today as well. Hopefully I'll get this installed tomorrow.
The replacement DirecTiVo came today as well. Hopefully I'll get this installed tomorrow.
Friday, April 15, 2005
I took an opportunity to play a little more Tiger Woods 2005. After maxing out my stats and figuring out the techniques, I can see this game being put away for a while. It is a fun game, but with so many others to try, it's almost time to move on.
Still no HD ...
Still no HD ...
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I'll give you one guess on what I did today. Answer is study.
I did check out carpet prices to redo the entire upstairs, about 1450 sq ft. It's quite spendy. I figure if I just wear slippers, I can go without carpet and just use the wood subfloor.
I did check out carpet prices to redo the entire upstairs, about 1450 sq ft. It's quite spendy. I figure if I just wear slippers, I can go without carpet and just use the wood subfloor.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
After nearly 45 hours for reformatting the hard drive in the Tivo (I forgot to check on it yesterday), I figured it was trashed. I called DirecTV back and they're sending a replacement box. So far it's been painless, other than the fact I lost all my HD recordings and am without HD for another 2 - 5 days. Perhaps I should build a little redundancy into the network.
Monday, April 11, 2005
My cell phone belt clip came today. I don't know if I'll like it, but figured for $0.01 plus shipping, it might be worth a try.
Also, didn't get a chance to geocache. I'm itching to find my first. Maybe this week.
Also, didn't get a chance to geocache. I'm itching to find my first. Maybe this week.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
I slept in late today because I was at a bachelor party last night. The night consisted of Broadway Pizza, a Twins game, Gameworks, O'Donovan's, and Seville's. It was a blast and good to see those I haven't in a while.
Since the Tivo wasn't working right, I watched three movies this weekend: I ♥ Huckabee's, Vanity Fair, and Closer, all of which were probably way over my head.
Man, that's a lot of links.
Since the Tivo wasn't working right, I watched three movies this weekend: I ♥ Huckabee's, Vanity Fair, and Closer, all of which were probably way over my head.
Man, that's a lot of links.
Saturday, April 9, 2005
I started with DirecTV about my issue. After the usual troubleshooting, she recommended a complete format of the hard drive. Before I do that, I'll have to see if there is a temporary solution to extract some of my recordings, as they will be completely erased.
Let's see, how long will a format take on a 250GB HD?
Let's see, how long will a format take on a 250GB HD?
Friday, April 8, 2005
Ahh, the first grill of the season. I almost forgot how good a grilled steak can be.
I'm having troubles with the HD DirecTiVo unit. As I'm watching either Live TV or a recording, the audio/video jerks and hesitates, like it's a corrupt file. Then after a while, it stops responding altogether and reboots itself. I've tried a manual clean reboot, but that didn't seem to help. Luckily it's still under the year warranty, but we'll see how much of a hassle it is to exchange.
I'm having troubles with the HD DirecTiVo unit. As I'm watching either Live TV or a recording, the audio/video jerks and hesitates, like it's a corrupt file. Then after a while, it stops responding altogether and reboots itself. I've tried a manual clean reboot, but that didn't seem to help. Luckily it's still under the year warranty, but we'll see how much of a hassle it is to exchange.
Thursday, April 7, 2005
It was quite hard getting up this morning. I rolled into work around 10:30. I played around a bit with the new GPS device. The good news is that I can navigate my driveway, and only got lost once. Hopefully I'll be able to go find a cache this weekend. There are several in the park I live by, so we'll see.
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Well, I'm home, after sitting in between two fat people on the plane. Luckily I slept the whole way. I noticed that my Garmin Vista came today. I've been wanting to get one of these for the past couple years, mainly for geocaching, and I finally did it. Now to just figure it out.
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Stupid, stupid. I felt like crap all day. There were four of us last night, and at any given time during the seminar today, not all four were there. I got there a bit late and had to leave to take a nap from 10:00 to noon. We were planning on going to New York city, but we knew that would end up in disaster. So we ended up going to "Ladies Night" at the hotel bar, barely choking down a few brews. The only ladies I saw were the waitresses.
Monday, April 4, 2005
I'm not sure how this post will read, as we closed down two bars tonight. The hotel bar tried to kick us out at midnight, but we talked them into serving us one more, and they gave it to us for free. Then at about 12:30 they brought in the heavy artillery, a big black dude which we called Chisel. For some reason, he was carrying a hammer around that apparently, at least to us, looked like a chisel. We then headed over to TGIF's until about 2:30am. There weren't many people there on a Monday night in the middle of New Jersey. Go figure.
Sunday, April 3, 2005
I'll spare you the details of my day, since it consisted of sitting or eating. I had to go buy an adapter from Best Buy as the TV in my room wouldn't accept composite cables. I asked about their return policy since I'll probably just return the adaptor when I'm done. When I was unscrewing the coax from the TV, part of the back of the TV snapped and shattered, rendering it useless. I called maintenance and played stupid. They brought me another one, but smaller.
I did learn that some of my coworkers didn't get into the hotel until 3:00am and had a similar landing I did.
I did learn that some of my coworkers didn't get into the hotel until 3:00am and had a similar landing I did.
Saturday, April 2, 2005
I finally arrived at about 9:30 at the hotel in New Jersey for a work seminar. There was some situations that prevented us from taking off from Minneapolis. First we were sitting on the tarmac waiting for our turn. Then the captain came on the PA and said the ground crew put some stuff on the wings, but didn't give the paperwork to the pilot. So we had to turn around and get some paper. Naturally, everyone blamed someone else for the mix up, but in the end it just meant we were delayed. So we get back out to waiting for our turn, and the captain said there was really bad weather in Newark. He said other planes tried to land but couldn't and had to go find another airport to land at. After waiting in Minneapolis on the plane for almost 2 hours, the captain came back on and said "The weather still hasn't lifted and in fact the air pressure is reading identical to hurricane-like weather. But we've got a good plane. I think we'll make it." So, after almost a 3 hour flight, we prepare for landing. I still find it amazing we landed in anything but a fireball. The plane was flying sideways, I swear the wing scraped the runway due to the rocking, the front tire wouldn't connect so we were bouncing like a superball, and we were fishtailing when he slammed on the brakes. People were crying and praying.
At least I get to now sit in a 4 day seminar about insurance regulation.
At least I get to now sit in a 4 day seminar about insurance regulation.
Friday, April 1, 2005
I asked Karl to use his Xbox travel case for my upcoming trip to exciting New Jersey. And what does he go and do? He gives me one of my very own. Now I'll be taking it where ever I go ... hotels, work, every where.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
I woke up this morning quite sore. I don't know about this "new technology" in the Sleep Number beds. Basically, it's just an air mattress ... the same you can use while camping. I think I'd be less sore if I slept directly over some jagged rocks.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
The Sleep Number bed came today, in several boxes, in the rain. The estimated assembly time was one hour. It took me two, with my excuse being that I basically had to set up two beds. The king is actually just two twins. They said no tools required, and instead used wing nuts. Well, I'd rather have a drill to tighten screws than tighten a million wing nuts by hand. My fingers are quite raw. At any rate, what the instructions don't take into account is the prep time, which was about 40 minutes. This included getting beer from the beer store, disassembling the current bed, finding a new place for all the stuff forgotten about under the bed, vacuuming a two inch layer of dust bunnies, and going to the bathroom from drinking too much beer already.
We'll see how this bed "changes my life forever".
We'll see how this bed "changes my life forever".
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Along with probably everyone that uses Blogger, I've been experiencing some problems with accessibility and updates. It seems a lot of people start with Blogger to "test the waters" of the web log trend. If they like it, they'll port over to another service. I guess that says something of Bloggers friendly user interface.
Hopefully soon I'll be one of those that switches, trying my hand at the great PHP and MySQL duo. Of coarse, that would mean I would have only myself to blame at the problems.
Hopefully soon I'll be one of those that switches, trying my hand at the great PHP and MySQL duo. Of coarse, that would mean I would have only myself to blame at the problems.
Monday, March 28, 2005
If you have "Do one thing on to-do list" on your to-do list, can you cross it off?
Sunday, March 27, 2005
I went to Champps (which, by the way, has free Wi-Fi) today for the Easter Brunch. As soon as I walked in the door, I was greeted by someone dressed in a rabbit suit. It was at this time that every synapse went into overdrive and I couldn't get Donnie Darko out of my brain. I suppose I should give that movie another chance, but it really freaked me out the first time.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
A little more research into the TV viewing arena has made me giddy. I found out that XBMC can also play ty files, which are Tivo files. This allows me to bypass the step of converting these to mpeg files.
I can't even begin to understand how mankind survived without the internet. It would take so long to learn anything new when your bandwidth is the speed of a covered wagon.
I can't even begin to understand how mankind survived without the internet. It would take so long to learn anything new when your bandwidth is the speed of a covered wagon.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Today at work, I did a lot of research on the Tytools package. In a nutshell, it allows the extraction of Tivo's (including DirecTiVo's) video files to a PC to a format that can be further edited for your needs. Many people create VOB's from these for DVD authoring. I plan to create MPEG's to stream to the TV's.
All of this requires a hacked Tivo, something I'm not willing to experiment with on the new boxes. I still have my first Series 1 DirecTiVo sitting around looking pretty. I think it's time to finally crack it open and play with its guts.
All of this requires a hacked Tivo, something I'm not willing to experiment with on the new boxes. I still have my first Series 1 DirecTiVo sitting around looking pretty. I think it's time to finally crack it open and play with its guts.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
I had meetings from 8:00 to 2:30, continuous. The good news is that most were conference calls and I got to browse the internet while on the phone. The bad news is that my neck is permanently crooked from holding the phone up with my shoulder. Maybe I'll have to steal someone's headset this weekend.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Karl got his Xbox rigged with a bigger hard drive. So the next natural step was to transfer all my games over to his box. After trying several variations of FTP programs using his PC, we decided to try the Xbox FTP program. I thought this was never going to work, seeing as most computer things never do, but it was quite easy. In fact, we even got the magical 10Mb/s transfer speed, allowing us to transfer 30G in about an hour.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
As I was walking home from work yesterday, I saw something shiny peeking through the melting snow. Obviously distracted, I picked it up. Lo' and behold, it was the missing face plate to my Alpine radio that some punks trashed from my car. I wiped off the mud, snapped it back in the car, and it worked like a charm. Luckily I didn't win the auctions on eBay for a new faceplate I was bidding on.
In related happenings, it would really suck to have a malfunction if you were this guy.
In related happenings, it would really suck to have a malfunction if you were this guy.
Monday, March 21, 2005
I finally got the second DirecTiVo unit activated and running. Now that I have the video working upstairs and down, my next project will be to get the surround sound fine tuned. Naturally, this involves running more wire around the house, something I've learned to love.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
What can I say, another day. This studying routine better end soon, especially when I have to stand while reading to prevent falling asleep.
I did notice that yesterday's post was my 100th. There was no ad in the New York Times, but still significant (to me).
I did notice that yesterday's post was my 100th. There was no ad in the New York Times, but still significant (to me).
Saturday, March 19, 2005
I was unusually tired today. It was hard getting up this morning, hard studying, hard drinking beer.
I'm also having a little trouble with Blockbuster's mail DVD subscription service. The past two movies have been mutilated through the mail, allowing the return envelope to show resulting in the movie automatically being returned to Blockbuster. Also, the two free in-store rental coupons were not showing up online, so I couldn't use those to get my two games to copy to the Xbox. And the emails I sent are being unanswered. I guess this is how customer turnover starts.
I'm also having a little trouble with Blockbuster's mail DVD subscription service. The past two movies have been mutilated through the mail, allowing the return envelope to show resulting in the movie automatically being returned to Blockbuster. Also, the two free in-store rental coupons were not showing up online, so I couldn't use those to get my two games to copy to the Xbox. And the emails I sent are being unanswered. I guess this is how customer turnover starts.
Friday, March 18, 2005
My plane back from Hartford was supposed to leave at 5:45pm. I got to the airport at about 4:00 and learn that it's been delayed until 7:00. After sitting around, it got pushed to 7:45, then 8:00, then 8:30, with rumors that it was going to be cancelled. A cancelled flight isn't the worst thing, but if it was cancelled after sitting at the airport for over 4 hours, that would have been quite irritating. In the end, it took off a little before 9:00 and didn't get into bed until almost midnight.
I think I deserve to not have to come in on Monday since today was a 15 hour day.
I think I deserve to not have to come in on Monday since today was a 15 hour day.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
I went to my boss's boss's house for a St. Patrick's day gathering. It's about 50,000 square feet atop a large hill with a pool in the back and a hottub in the loft overlooking the world. Most of the furnishing came with the house, including a 47" plasma, liquor bars on every level, an arcade in the basement, and the servants.
Anyway, I tried to refrain from playing the video games for as long as I could. Someone asked me to try to beat the high score on Ms. Pacman. When I finally died, they were either impressed with the score or happy they now got a turn. It was probably good it didn't ask me for my initials, as I had many Guinesses and the possibilities of work inappropriate 3 letter words would have been to tempting.
Anyway, I tried to refrain from playing the video games for as long as I could. Someone asked me to try to beat the high score on Ms. Pacman. When I finally died, they were either impressed with the score or happy they now got a turn. It was probably good it didn't ask me for my initials, as I had many Guinesses and the possibilities of work inappropriate 3 letter words would have been to tempting.
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