Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Tonight was an adventure. A series of unfortunate events has put me into ultimate crabby mode. First a storm swept through the area, outputting around 6" of rain. Not bad in itself, but recently I kicked a red squirrel out of the garage, where he was storing his nuts. To get back at me, he put all of them in the gutters. Since the rain couldn't get through the gutters, it just ran over the eaves and collected in a pool right in front of the house. I'd guess there was about a foot of standing water, which then started leaking into the laundry room. Luckily the laundry room has only a concrete slab that is not level, so the water attempted to gather in one spot. After about 7 wet vac empties, the vac started shorting out, probably because I didn't have a filter on it and the water was sloshing around the motor. Running over to the neighbor in the downpour, I borrowed his industrial vac and that worked like a charm. Meanwhile, I tried to get rid of the dam in the gutters, but the ladder could barely hold in the mud, plus being outside in a lightning storm on a metal ladder probably isn't a good idea. Needless to say, it's past my bedtime and I'm crabby.

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