Wednesday, January 31, 2007

So, I've been following the Mooninites story, as has everybody else, so I won't retell it here. I'm not quite sure where I stand. Is it bad or good? Are they terrorists in that they instilled fear and panic, or was it a brilliantly planned joke that somebody didn't get? If they stuck stickers all over the city, I doubt there would be a story. We know what a sticker can do ... stick. But a device with lights? It could be anything. What if it didn't have lights and was just a cardboard box? Again, I doubt there would be a story. So I guess the fact that it's electronic makes it bad. Regardless of this, I do think Boston over-reacted. I'm hoping there's more to the story than we're getting. Because to shut down a city over this is a bit embarrassing. There were reports of other suspicious packages in DC, suspected terrorists captured in Britain, and even a call about a bomb in somebodies desk down the road (unrelated). I still say Boston's actions were over the top. But back to the prank. I'd like to say that it was good (probably because it sounds like something I would do). But we would definitely be having different headlines if nobody did anything about them and they were bombs, and people were blowing up laughing at a cartoon character.

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