Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Well, now I have a possum living in the garage. Perhaps you'll remember such adventures as squirrel and vole. After reports of seeing one in the garage (only one eyewitness of questionable state), I looked everywhere last night but couldn't find it, which amazed me on account of the massive size of it as described by aforementioned eyewitness. Anyway, on my way out this morning, I decided to take one final sweep through, and sure enough, the little bastard was curled up sleeping in a box of wood. Resisting the urge to smash its head (and pissing my pants), I tried to calmly "shoo" him out. Him with his ravishing teeth trying to infect me, and me wanting to come to a reasonable compromise ... actually he just sat there and I pushed him out the door. He ran to the backyard. After gathering myself, I tried to track him in the fresh snow, but he evaded me. I think I'll start filming some of these encounters and send to America's Funniest Videos.

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