Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I use ADT for the home security monitoring. A while back, I got Vonage and the security worked sometimes and not others. So someone came out and said that ADT rarely works with VOIP, and I should get the "cell backup". I told them to install it and thought I was good. Well, a few weeks ago I noticed the panel was displaying a failure to communicate code. Long story short, the ADT guy came out today and said I didn't have the cell backup installed. He tried using the phone lines and the system sent a signal. I told him it might work now, but probably will go out again. Plus, I think it messes up the VOIP router. Of course he recommended the cell backup (which I thought I already had) and left.

Now, I have to deal with getting credit on my account. I mentioned to him and he said the online features sounded like a good idea. I told him that I didn't think my current hardware was compatible with's panel, but he said you can always get things to work by going through adaptors. So basically the ADT guy told me to ditch ADT.

I guess I have more research to do ...

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