Thursday, November 30, 2006
Quotes from movies I watched today ...
"Do you remember when everyone was shouting my name, and I used my strength to rip my blouse?"
"It's so damn hot ... Milk was a bad choice."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Currently, I use Microsoft Money to manage my accounts. Having used it for many years, I wouldn't be opposed to switching to a different application, given time to do so. There's obviously Quicken and a few online apps popping up. I realize that there can be no single software that can do everything that everyone wants, but it seems that these applications should be better by now. The two things I can think of are budgeting and importing. The budgeting in Money is quite basic and can't handle some features I would like. I've read a lot of others feel the same way and the trend is to use a separate spreadsheet along with Money or Quicken. What I mean by importing is getting the daily transactions from various accounts into the application. It's gotten better in recent years, since all you really need to do is give Money your account information and it grabs the details online. This assumes that your accounts have online access (and Money knows about it) and offers downloads. Worse case is that you download the transactions in some format and import them into Money. I guess worse case would be that Money doesn't recognize the file. Anyway, I've always wanted to build my own financial software, but that would be quite an undertaking. I would certainly offer it for free on Knappers site.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
We got to
We started off the day pretty slow on the pub front. One of the pubs we ended up at was the Coach and Horses. Of all pubs we visited, this was by far our favorite. We were on the busy Saturday streets where it's a zoo with all the people. We stepped into this pub and as cliche as it sounds, it felt like we transported back in time. Along with the incredible atmosphere, I think it was just a combination of our mood and exhaustion and the many pints throughout the day.
I'll tell you one thing: it's damn expensive here. But once you stop doing the conversions in your head during every transaction, it's bearable. And another thing, to get deals on souvenirs, look for the dimly light stores compared to the bigger stores. We attempted to haggle over price at the bigger stores and they pretty much ignored us. When I did the same thing at the "shady" store for the exact same things, I was able to get things a lot cheaper.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Anyway, we ended up by the Parliament during darkness and got some cool photos. I'll probably end up going to bed around 2:00am, but still no real effects of jet lag, yet.
Thursday, November 9, 2006
As a treat, more an opportunity, I booked a trip to London to visit Karl whose over here on business. So, right now I'm in London at the hotel drinking a pint.
I left Minnesota at 5:00pm, had a layover in Detroit for 2 hours, then landed in London at 10:00am local time, which would be 4:00am home time. The way I figure it, I should experience no "jet lag" as I'll be going to bed around 3:00am and getting up around 9:00am (which would be 9:00pm to 3:00am home time). If I can stay on this schedule, then my body really won't need any adjusting. Everyone I've talked to said this won't be the case and somehow my body won't cooperate. Anyway, I got about 4 hours of sleep on the plane coming to London. Right now it's 10:00pm here and I won't go to sleep for another 5 hours. I'm a little sleepy, but I attribute that to all the pints I've drank during lunch (which would be my breakfast). Karl is sleeping right now and will get up in a few hours to go to work, and I'll be able to sleep while he's at work. Brilliant. So, along with activities we do, I'll keep you posted about my "jet lag".
Today's activities were pretty laid back. I got in to Gatwick at 10:00am, customs was a breeze so I was able to take the 10:37am train to Watford. Since this was an hour earlier than I told Karl, I walked from the station to the hotel, which was less than a mile. Watford is maybe an hour from London, so the locals were quite polite and I was offered a ride several times along my walk. We ate lunch and drank beer at O'Neills, toured the local shops, and drank some whiskey.
We'll either go out to another local pub (or more) with Karl's coworkers or possibly head to London tomorrow. Bigger adventures await ...